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Yorkville Middle School Cross Country

Winter is Coming

October 31, 2015

With winter on the way, what will you be doing to stay in shape? It doesn't have to be running. If you play a sport over the winter or swim indoors that should be sufficient enough to keep you in shape for the track season starting in March. If you do plan on running, here are some tips:

  • Run with a group as often as you can.
  • Find a safe place to run. Try to avoid areas without sidewalks. If you are going on a run by yourself, tell someone where you are running and how long you plan to be gone.
  • Don't wear too many layers. You should wear these layers: (1) a layer on top to block the wind, (2) a moisture-wicking layer on the bottom, and (3) on very cold days a middle layer.
  • Always wear a hat and gloves on the coldest days.
  • Run on fresh snow and shorten your stride to lessen the chance of slipping.
  • Use a treadmill or an indoor track if the weather gets too bad.
  • Start by running into the wind to make the trip back easier.

Running in the winter is about building/maintaining your endurance. If you want to keep some speed add in a tempo or LT workout once a week, but they should probably be run on a treadmill since it can be tough to run that pace when there is snow on the ground. In terms of mileage, you should try to build up to 15-20 miles per week by the time track starts. Start your training with 6-8 miles per week now running 3 or 4 times in a week. If you have questions or want a more concrete plan to reach a specific goal, contact Coach Miller.

5K Club

To make it easier to train over the winter, consider joining the 5K Club. If you join, your name will be added to our 5K Club page so you can try to find other people to train with. You don't actually have to participate in any of the 5Ks listed on the club page, but if you do you will be eligible for awards at the end of the winter. If you participate in a race that isn't on the list, send an email to to make sure you get credit for it. Pictures from races you've run during the off-season are welcome, and the races don't actually have to be 5Ks.

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